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Motivational  Speaking

​Deon has always been a great orator, and a wonderful motivational speaker, with a naturally charismatic personality that comes from  genuine LOve for people and a great upbringing. He has an amazing natural ability to connect with people from all walks of life, every ethnicity, every financial background, and connects with people from every spiritual faith. If you'd like to see or hear more why not contact Deon or book him to speak for your event, your youth or faith based programs, and for panel discussions on Life, LOve, Spirituality, Encouraging & Uplifting Men & Women both Young & Old. Deon would be a perfect fit for any occassion Especially addressing teens/youth, and inspiring them to Do, Be, and Have not just better, but the Very Best in every aspect of Life!

"No matter what happens to me in life, or whatever it is that I encounter, I'm still Determined to make My Life worthwhile, I have to do, say, or write something that will inspire others to Have, Reach, & Become the Very Best they can possibly be in Life & in LOve"...


from my heart to yours... ~Deon Granger

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